Monday, August 22, 2011


“He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters”
                                                                                                                                 Mat: 12: 30
In school, many of our school girls, including me, loved to play one particular game during PT – kabaddi. As most of you know, kabaddi requires two teams. When we divided ourselves up into two teams, I remember that most of us wanted to be on the team that Salma was on. Salma was our senior. She was a beautiful girl, but the reason for the girls’ hankering to be on her team was more than just her beauty. You see, Salma was a very tall strong girl. When she came into your court saying ‘kabaddi kabaddi’, all most of us did, was to run hither and thither, hiding behind each other, avoiding being touched by her, for if she touched you and managed to reach her home court safely, you were “out”. Since Salma was so tall and imposing, and strong, almost everyone wanted to be on her team, or rather, no one wanted to be on the team against hers. But here is what none of us could ever do – stay out of the game just because she was on the opposite team. There could be only two teams, and if you weren’t there in one team, then you automatically wound up in the other team. That’s just how life is in all things. There is always a choice for us between two things. You are either “this” or “that”, “here” or “there”. There is never a gray area. Similarly, in our spiritual life too, there can never be a neutral ground. You are either on the Lord’s side, or on the devil’s side. It is our duty, as Christians, to do the Lord’s work and there is no sidestepping it. If we do not gather with Him, then it is taken as a matter of course that we scatter. Consider carefully, what you want to do today. Do you want to be a gatherer or a scatterer? If you say no to gathering, you are automatically added to the group that said yes to scattering! You cannot stand on the fence hoping to jump to one side or the other when the time comes. If you are not on God’s side of the fence then you are automatically included with those in the devil’s backyard. And I heard tell that that backyard is too hot for comfort. The choice is yours. Jump off the fence. Decide.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is God Your GPS?

Life in the United states is sometimes radically different from life in India. In India, if I had to go to some place for the first time, I would just go to the bus stop, inquire about the bus to take me to the place I needed to get to, catch that bus, get off, and ask an autorickshaw driver or shopkeeper for the way to my final destination. But here in the USA, that simply cannot be done! For one, buses are few in number and run on a tight schedule. Second, there is simply no one on the road to ask for directions! Taking a car to unknown places is therefore extremely confusing. But there is one very very useful device that acts as a life saver for someone who just doesn't have any sense of direction (someone like me ). That device is a GPS. Using a GPS is easy, and makes travel smooth sailing. All I have to do is switch it on, and type in the address I need to get to, and voila - it starts telling me what to do! Phrases like "Take exit 770A on right to clinton drive", "Make a U-Turn" start pouring forth, and i follow instructions meekly and to the dot. And in nine cases out of ten, I reach my destination correctly. This got me thinking about the Lord and His instructions to us. The Lord is also like a GPS. He knows where I need to go, and tells me what to do. But I, who follow the GPS so meekly, tend to doubt the Lord, the one who created the whole world and everything imaginable in it! I find myself stopping to ask Him about whether He really knows what He is doing - I who so unquestioningly take every turn the GPS tells me to take! What folly!
Another thing about the GPS is that it is flexible. If it tells me to make a turn, and I fail to, it immediately recalculates the route and gives me directions to get back on track. The Lord is like that too. Even when we make certain bad decisions in life, He doesn't abandon us because of those choices. Instead, He lovingly redirects us to put us back on track. It is up to us to follow what He says. If we do, He will certainly lead us to Heaven and Eternal Life, for unlike the GPS, there is no margin of error for the Lord!
The third thing that struck me in my endeavours with the GPS was this - At times when I lose sattelite coverage in a particular area, (especially areas where there are numerous tall buildings) and the GPS stops telling me what to do, I get panicky and go crazy! I immediately head out to open spaces, where buildings cannot block the GPS's signals. The same and more should be said for the Lord. When we are not in the Lord, the correct response is fear and an immediate exertion to get back in contact with Him. The cares of the world, and its numerous vaporous attractions may blind us and draw us away from the Lord. At such times, we should shun the wily temptations the devil throws our way, and rush out to the Lord. Let God be your GPS!

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Reason for the Season - A Play

Scene 1
Place: The city of Bethlehem
Time: The week before Christmas
Narrator: the city of Bethlehem is abuzz with expectation. Biblodamus, the interpreter of the scriptures, has foretold, from his detailed study of the book of the prophet Isaiah, that one of these days the world would witness the birth of its Saviour. At the office of the ‘Bethlehem Herald’, an editor-in-chief speaks to his reporters...
Editor-in-chief: Guys! You know what Biblodamus has foretold. If we get this story first, we can all take home fatter pay checks soon! Now this is what you do. I want every manger in Bethlehem covered. Leave no place unobserved. The minute you see anything interesting, call headquarters and start taking pictures. Be as secretive about it as possible, for as long as possible. I don’t want anyone from the ‘Bethlehem Daily’ to get a whiff of what we are up to. Good luck gentlemen, and may God’s love be with you.
<The men depart, discussing things with each other.>
<lights fade>
Scene 2
Place: A manger in a small inn in Bethlehem
Time: The night before Christmas
Narrator: Jimmy, one of the many reporters at the ‘Bethlehem Herald’, has been watching the old inn for four days now.
Jimmy: why do i have to be the one looking out in this good-for-nothing place? Pete gets to watch the manger at the ritz, while i get to watch this place! It looks so forlorn! Obviously the saviour of the world won’t be born here! In fact, i wonder at that Biblodamus fellow. I doubt his sanity! The saviour of the world – in a manger? That’s a joke! And the chief has fallen for it! Anyway, all i can do is stay put if i want my next pay check.
Narrator: suddenly, jimmy saw something
<The innkeeper enters, and behind him come joseph leading a donkey, and behind then comes Mary, struggling to walk.>
Inn-Keeper: i am so sorry my dear man, but this is the only place available. You see, a man named biblodamus has predicted that we will soon witness the birth of the saviour of the world, and therefore, huge crowds have gathered at Bethlehem. All the rooms are booked!

<Joseph smiles wearily at the inn-keeper as he leaves.>
Jimmy: Oh my God! Could this be it? Ami going to be a first-hand witness to the birth of the saviour? Could that geek of a Biblodamus be true after all?
<lights fade. Backstage music of a baby’s first cry>

Scene 3
Place: The manger
Time: Christmas eve
Narrator: what Jimmy thought turned out to be true. The saviour of the world wasborn. He is wrapped in swaddling clothes and has been laid in the manger.
<the manger and joseph and mary are at the center of the stage. Jimmy is standing on one corner of the stage and is talking on the phone.>
Jimmy: chief? Jimmy here. The saviour has been born! I am going to start taking pictures right now. Headlines tomorrow chief!!!
EIC’s voice: good boy jimmy! i’ll send the rest of our crew there immediately. Keep up the good work.
Jimmy: sure thing chief! So long then!
EIC’s voice: bye jimmy. you’re in for a big promotion.
Jimmy: and now to go introduce myself to them...
<jimmy walks towards the manger. Lights fade.>
Scene 4
Narrator: jimmy wasted no time in introducing himself. Once he had made his purpose clear, he set up the camera and began taking pictures.
Jimmy: ok. First i;ll take a shot of only the baby. Then, it’ll be just the both of you. Then we can take one with all three of you. Ok?
<mary and joseph smile and nod their agreement. Jimmy takes a few pics. Then he looks up sheepishly>
Jimmy: say, would you guys mind if i took a snap with the baby? I would like a souvenir of sorts.
Joseph: that’s fine. We don’t mind.
<mary nods, smiling. Jimmy sets up cam and takes pic. As he is getting up from next to the child, a group of shepherds arrive, with their sheep in tow.>

Shepherd 1: where is He? We heard that the saviour has been born and that He is here? Where is He? We would like to see him, and pay our respects to Him.
Jimmy: WOW news travels fast around here! How did you know?
Shepherd 2: a group of angels appeared to us in the sky as we were watching our flock! They told us we would find him here. It was wonderful! And they sing so beautifully! We were scared stiff at first, but they told us not to fear. It was awesome!
<Jimmy looks flabbergasted>
Jimmy: it boggles the mind, but today i can believe anything! “Shepherds Informed by Angels, Arrive Almost Instantly”. I can almost see the article in print! Let me take a picture of them too. Hey you guys...can i have a picture with all of you around the baby?
Shepherd 1: sure. Its not everyday that we are in the limelight! Will this be in the papers mister?
Jimmy: You bet it will!
Shepherd 2: (hesitatingly) say, would it be possible for you to give us a copy of the paper to take home to our wives?
Jimmy: My man...what a question...sure sure...

<they all gather around. Jimmy takes his picture. As he is finishing the shots, the three wise men arrive with their camels.>
WM 1: Ah! Did i not tell you my friend! We followed the right star! Here lies the infant who will save the world! We were right in following that star. It has led us to the right spot afterall.
WM 2: indeed it is true! The star of Bethlehem led us to the right place. I am glad now that we followed the star, although the journey was long and not without difficulties.
WM 3: come. Let us pay our respects to the saviour, as is His due. He is to be honoured above all else.
<they each start to go to and place a gift at his feet.>
Jimmy: the chief is going to go mad with joy! Time for more pictures! Dear sirs, could you please pose for the camera near the baby? This is going to be in the papers tomorrow.
WM 3: gladly. Do remember to write that we are three learned men who have journeyed far and have braved many difficulties.
<they all stand.>
Jimmy: closer. Closer. Put the sheep and camel at the back. You guys sit down in front of the baby. You come here...
<as jimmy gives instructions, the people move around, and they jostle for the best places so their faces will be seen in the picture and gradually they block the baby Jesus from the audience’s view. The scene ends with jimmy saying smile and clicking. Jesus cannot be seen. The scene freezes.>
Narrator: does the picture not look perfect? But where is Jesus? He has been overshadowed by everything and everyone else! Dear friends, is this not often the case with us? We indulge in the season so much that we forget the reason for the season! Jesus Christ came into this world to save sinners. That is the true message of Christmas. And that is the message we must all take home today. Jesus Christ came into the world to save you and me! He came, He saw, and He surrendered His all for us, so that we might live eternally! Let us acknowledge the reason for this entire season and focus on Him.

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Daughter and Me

Life can sometimes be very complicated if you are a mother, and no one can understand me better than mothers who have tiny little daughters. I have one, so believe me, I know what I am talking about. It seems like only yesterday that I was holding this little writhing pink creature in my arms, holding her close to my heart to keep her warm. Little did I know then that with that one tiny touch of her hand on my bosom, she was actually getting a grip of my entire life! Life changed dramatically since the day she came to this earth. Never have I felt such complicated and contradictory emotions in such rapid succession! One minute, I was holding her up for everyone to see, cooing over her slightest hint of a smile, proud of this cute little thing, and the next minute saw me crying out of sheer exhaustion of having to be awake at all times of the night. People kept telling me this was but a short period in my life, and it will be over with a blink of the eye. I wonder now whether they were just trying to be nice and calming, or whether they were all really ignorant about motherhood. For as I watched her grow, I saw more and more, that conflict was going to become a way of life for my feelings. On the one hand, I was the proud mother who watched her daughter take each step forward, growing from infant to child to toddler and on the other, I was the mother watching her little butterfly breaking free from the cocoon with a sinking heart. With each stage in her development, she showed me that I could be happy and sad at the same time. I was proud of her first step, but unhappy that soon she will not hold my hand while she walked. I was happy she began to eat on her own, but sad that she will not need me to feed her anymore. I was proud of her when she learnt to button her shirt, but sad that soon, she will not need me to dress her up. I was glad she liked school, but it tore me apart to see her let go of my hand and rush to her teacher. Conflicts! Conflicts! Conflicts! It’s a warm feeling with a blast of cold air. And then there are times when you are feeling cold, and there is the warmth of a blazing fire. Like when I wait for her after school. As I wait, I think of how much she has grown, and how she needs me less each day, and then the door opens, and she comes out, bag in hand. And the minute she sees me, her face lights up, and she comes rushing to me with a shout and almost crushes me in her hug. That is when I realize that life is going to be this way forever. She will never not need me, but she will also never always need me. 

This article is a part of the IndiBlogger and Close Up Fire-Freeze Contest.  If you are an IndiBlogger and like this article, please vote for me!