Friday, June 24, 2011

The Reason for the Season - A Play

Scene 1
Place: The city of Bethlehem
Time: The week before Christmas
Narrator: the city of Bethlehem is abuzz with expectation. Biblodamus, the interpreter of the scriptures, has foretold, from his detailed study of the book of the prophet Isaiah, that one of these days the world would witness the birth of its Saviour. At the office of the ‘Bethlehem Herald’, an editor-in-chief speaks to his reporters...
Editor-in-chief: Guys! You know what Biblodamus has foretold. If we get this story first, we can all take home fatter pay checks soon! Now this is what you do. I want every manger in Bethlehem covered. Leave no place unobserved. The minute you see anything interesting, call headquarters and start taking pictures. Be as secretive about it as possible, for as long as possible. I don’t want anyone from the ‘Bethlehem Daily’ to get a whiff of what we are up to. Good luck gentlemen, and may God’s love be with you.
<The men depart, discussing things with each other.>
<lights fade>
Scene 2
Place: A manger in a small inn in Bethlehem
Time: The night before Christmas
Narrator: Jimmy, one of the many reporters at the ‘Bethlehem Herald’, has been watching the old inn for four days now.
Jimmy: why do i have to be the one looking out in this good-for-nothing place? Pete gets to watch the manger at the ritz, while i get to watch this place! It looks so forlorn! Obviously the saviour of the world won’t be born here! In fact, i wonder at that Biblodamus fellow. I doubt his sanity! The saviour of the world – in a manger? That’s a joke! And the chief has fallen for it! Anyway, all i can do is stay put if i want my next pay check.
Narrator: suddenly, jimmy saw something
<The innkeeper enters, and behind him come joseph leading a donkey, and behind then comes Mary, struggling to walk.>
Inn-Keeper: i am so sorry my dear man, but this is the only place available. You see, a man named biblodamus has predicted that we will soon witness the birth of the saviour of the world, and therefore, huge crowds have gathered at Bethlehem. All the rooms are booked!

<Joseph smiles wearily at the inn-keeper as he leaves.>
Jimmy: Oh my God! Could this be it? Ami going to be a first-hand witness to the birth of the saviour? Could that geek of a Biblodamus be true after all?
<lights fade. Backstage music of a baby’s first cry>

Scene 3
Place: The manger
Time: Christmas eve
Narrator: what Jimmy thought turned out to be true. The saviour of the world wasborn. He is wrapped in swaddling clothes and has been laid in the manger.
<the manger and joseph and mary are at the center of the stage. Jimmy is standing on one corner of the stage and is talking on the phone.>
Jimmy: chief? Jimmy here. The saviour has been born! I am going to start taking pictures right now. Headlines tomorrow chief!!!
EIC’s voice: good boy jimmy! i’ll send the rest of our crew there immediately. Keep up the good work.
Jimmy: sure thing chief! So long then!
EIC’s voice: bye jimmy. you’re in for a big promotion.
Jimmy: and now to go introduce myself to them...
<jimmy walks towards the manger. Lights fade.>
Scene 4
Narrator: jimmy wasted no time in introducing himself. Once he had made his purpose clear, he set up the camera and began taking pictures.
Jimmy: ok. First i;ll take a shot of only the baby. Then, it’ll be just the both of you. Then we can take one with all three of you. Ok?
<mary and joseph smile and nod their agreement. Jimmy takes a few pics. Then he looks up sheepishly>
Jimmy: say, would you guys mind if i took a snap with the baby? I would like a souvenir of sorts.
Joseph: that’s fine. We don’t mind.
<mary nods, smiling. Jimmy sets up cam and takes pic. As he is getting up from next to the child, a group of shepherds arrive, with their sheep in tow.>

Shepherd 1: where is He? We heard that the saviour has been born and that He is here? Where is He? We would like to see him, and pay our respects to Him.
Jimmy: WOW news travels fast around here! How did you know?
Shepherd 2: a group of angels appeared to us in the sky as we were watching our flock! They told us we would find him here. It was wonderful! And they sing so beautifully! We were scared stiff at first, but they told us not to fear. It was awesome!
<Jimmy looks flabbergasted>
Jimmy: it boggles the mind, but today i can believe anything! “Shepherds Informed by Angels, Arrive Almost Instantly”. I can almost see the article in print! Let me take a picture of them too. Hey you guys...can i have a picture with all of you around the baby?
Shepherd 1: sure. Its not everyday that we are in the limelight! Will this be in the papers mister?
Jimmy: You bet it will!
Shepherd 2: (hesitatingly) say, would it be possible for you to give us a copy of the paper to take home to our wives?
Jimmy: My man...what a question...sure sure...

<they all gather around. Jimmy takes his picture. As he is finishing the shots, the three wise men arrive with their camels.>
WM 1: Ah! Did i not tell you my friend! We followed the right star! Here lies the infant who will save the world! We were right in following that star. It has led us to the right spot afterall.
WM 2: indeed it is true! The star of Bethlehem led us to the right place. I am glad now that we followed the star, although the journey was long and not without difficulties.
WM 3: come. Let us pay our respects to the saviour, as is His due. He is to be honoured above all else.
<they each start to go to and place a gift at his feet.>
Jimmy: the chief is going to go mad with joy! Time for more pictures! Dear sirs, could you please pose for the camera near the baby? This is going to be in the papers tomorrow.
WM 3: gladly. Do remember to write that we are three learned men who have journeyed far and have braved many difficulties.
<they all stand.>
Jimmy: closer. Closer. Put the sheep and camel at the back. You guys sit down in front of the baby. You come here...
<as jimmy gives instructions, the people move around, and they jostle for the best places so their faces will be seen in the picture and gradually they block the baby Jesus from the audience’s view. The scene ends with jimmy saying smile and clicking. Jesus cannot be seen. The scene freezes.>
Narrator: does the picture not look perfect? But where is Jesus? He has been overshadowed by everything and everyone else! Dear friends, is this not often the case with us? We indulge in the season so much that we forget the reason for the season! Jesus Christ came into this world to save sinners. That is the true message of Christmas. And that is the message we must all take home today. Jesus Christ came into the world to save you and me! He came, He saw, and He surrendered His all for us, so that we might live eternally! Let us acknowledge the reason for this entire season and focus on Him.

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